Vision of Kurenniemi

Vision of Kurenniemi

Erkki Kurenniemi has documented his everyday life in great detail for the future. According to his vision, future historians will be able to recreate our own era through recorded documents. With the help of the information contained in the archives, robots can create a virtual world that will correspond to the world as it was at the time of the compilation of the archives. According to Kurenniemi, this will be possible “in the 2040s, or maybe, the 2100s”.

Kurenniemi has said: “Reconstructing a personal identity is quite a silly idea. The reconstruction should rather be like a museum, where the visitors are guided by a universal person who’s much more advanced than I am. My data would form a historical display case, which the guide could use for different kinds of simulations that would offer insight into the mindset of the 20th century people. It doesn’t matter that the simulation is sufficiently advanced to be truly sentient.”